Friday, December 24, 2010

Two bears, eight quilts, and five purses...

That's right.  Two bears, eight quilts, and five purses are my craft competition submissions:

It still looks like the bear is wearing a pink helmet instead of a bonnet--I think it's because of the way its ears are underneath the hat.

Anyway, I have finished my submissions, wrapped them, and am off to upstate NY to see my family and have our craft competition.

The purses were a cinch to make, and they were pretty fast to sew together.  They seem cute and handy.

I am about to head out, but wanted to wish you all happy holidays!   Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. Can you do a tutorial on your purses? Are your snaps the kind you sew on? Did you make your pattern yourself? I've made my own zippered, lined pouches for myself and my daughters. A girl can never have too many pouches!!!
